شریک ذیحساب چیست؟ accountability partner

سطح: Upper intermediate , Advance


شنبه ۲۲ اردیبهشت ۱۴۰۳

What’s up everyone. My name is Hossein Shafie, I’m an English instructor. This video is for those who have a passion to their goals and wanna stay committed to their goals, so one way to do this is by acquiring an accountability partner, so what is an accountability partner? It is someone who checks in with you regularly about your progress in a particular area, especially in academics, like you wanna stay committed to an academic goal like you wanna prep for an academic test like the TOEFL or IELTS or the Duolingo, and you’ve made an schedule for yourself, like you’re studying day-in, day-out and for sure on this path you’re gonna get a bit tired and you’re gonna get a bit bored and unmotivated at times but when you’ve got an accountability partner, let’s say somebody who is also taking preparation for a test and they’re the ones who check in with you and ask you how much you’ve studied, did you hit the milestone today? Or did you complete that passage? Or … I’m just trying to say that there’s somebody who pushes you and supports you in times of need and motivates you to push yourself and exceed your expectations. So, if you wanna stay committed to a goal, in my idea, one of the best strategies that you could employ is having an accountability partner. Follow for more…

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شریک ذیحساب چیست؟ accountability partner

شریک ذیحساب چیست؟ accountability partner

This video is for those who are planning to take international Englis…


شنبه ۲۲ اردیبهشت ۱۴۰۳

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محمد حسین شفیعی

شریک ذیحساب چیست؟ accountability partner

استاد: محمد حسین شفیعی

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